The justice infrastructure provides the ERV with the necessary basic services in accordance with its high IT security and legal compliance requirements. In the following, we look at the main objectives and technical implementation concepts.

The infrastructure of the justice system primarily ensures the integrity and confidentiality of the ERV. To achieve the objectives, the focus is on the following basic functions:

  • Holistic, centralized registration and management concept for digital entities including key management
  • Secure authentication of all ERV participants
  • Integrative communication via so-called secure transmission paths” (OSCI-based message exchange and end-to-end encryption)
  • Consistent trust between multiple identity providers using TrustedDomains and SingleSignOn mechanisms
  • Secure connection of special electronic mailboxes (EGVP, beN, beA) and central register modules

Key infrastructure components of judicial communication

S.A.F.E.(Secure Accessto FederatedE-Justice/E-Government) was designed and developed as the technical implementation of a digital, federated identity management and directory service. All applications in the areas of e-Justice and e-Government use SAFE, and the simple connection of SAFE instances forms the basis for optimum scalability.

In addition to the development of beN and beA, Westernacher Solutions is also significantly involved in the further development of SAFE.

The justice infrastructure is based on proven and modern IT standards. The focus is on handling digital identities, where the SAFE standard offers THE standardized and scalable concept. We at Westernacher Solutions have already connected many justice applications to SAFE ourselves. Through our developments on SAFE, beA and beN, we play a decisive role in shaping the overall picture of the justice infrastructure.

Stefan Melz // Principal Project Manager // Westernacher Solutions

Project references

Best practice examples from Westernacher Solutions

Team Assistant Janina Faist // Office Manager Pascal Dewes

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