The ZTR guarantees all citizens that their will will be found in the event of inheritance. This should give everyone the certainty that their last will and testament will actually be respected. All processes, from the registration of a will to the opening of probate proceedings, are fully digitized and automated.

The register of wills is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. Its task is to register wills and death certificates as well as to notify the competent court of a will in the event of death.

There are now over 22 million deeds relevant to succession as well as notifications of a testator’s illegitimate children registered there. Every year, 850,000 deaths are reported fully automatically by the registry offices via web services, processed, assigned to the stored documents and the probate and custody courts are notified of any matches. The ZTR has replaced the previous paper-based procedure with a centralized and digital procedure and is a positive example of the digitalization of the justice system and a real success story.

The ZTR is designed as a central system that all participating offices – notaries, courts and registry offices – can access via a web application. A total of around 15,000 users work with the ZTR every day.

The ZTR uses a number of public administration and justice standards, such as XPersonenstand, XJustiz, SAFE, EGVP and OSCI.

Web service interfaces can be used, for example, to external systems, such as specialist court procedures and notary software, automatically integrate the ZTR into their processes. These map the required bidirectional data exchange between the parties involved in an interoperable manner and thus help to avoid media disruptions and double entry.

The Central Register of Wills of the Federal Chamber of Notaries

The ZTR is also a positive example of the digitalization of the justice system and a real success story.

David Siegel //Notary assessor in the district of the Palatinate Chamber of Notaries // BNotK Current 01/22



  • Frontend: Single Page Web applicationAngular

  • Backend: JAVA / Frameworks: Spring, Hibernate, Spring Data

  • Oracle

  • Service-oriented architecture (SOA)

  • XPUBLIC TRANSPORT (XJustice, XPersonal status)


  • Digital signatures

  • Digital identities, SAFE (Secure Access to Federated e-Justice/e-Government)
  • Web services, SOAP, REST
  • OCR

Team Assistant Janina Faist // Office Manager Pascal Dewes

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