Over one million real estate contracts are notarized in Germany every year. Many different authorities are involved in the execution of these contracts, such as the tax office, the monument authority or the nature conservation authority. Notaries and administrative authorities are faced with countless additional tasks and many data and documents are collected, digitized and processed multiple times. Up to now, there has been no consistent process based on the same data. With the Online Access Act (OZG), the federal, state and local governments want to digitize their administrative services.

Federal Minister of Justice Dr. Marco Buschmann said in his welcoming address at the ceremony to mark the 60th anniversary of the Federal Chamber of Notaries on 7.4.2022:

Until now, notaries and administrative offices have exchanged the necessary applications and approvals by post in paper form. This takes time and leads to data being collected multiple times. We want to make digital processing a reality in the near future. A draft bill for a corresponding law is currently being prepared in my office. And we will not limit ourselves to simply digitally mapping the processes currently practiced in the paper world. We want to use digitalization to make the relevant administrative processes more efficient ourselves.”

The Federal Chamber of Notaries is involved in the eNoVA (electronic notary administration exchange) project group, which is led by the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, to promote the complete digitalization of the execution of real estate transactions. Execution primarily means communication and data transfer to many different communication partners, including land registries, expert committees, tax offices, statistical offices and other offices of the federal states and municipalities. This is currently done almost exclusively in analog form – by post and letter. This is not only associated with a high level of manual effort, but is also time-consuming. It typically takes several months from the signing of the purchase contract to the final transfer to the land register.

The solution for this is software that we are developing on behalf of the BNotK, with which notaries will be able to process all execution steps digitally in the future. As the relevant communication partners – authorities, courts, tax offices – also have to digitize their processes, this is not only a technically challenging project, but also an organizational one.

Communication is based on the special electronic notary mailbox (beN), EGVP and XJustiz. Special features and standards of other communication partners (keyword Elster) must be taken into account. Of course, the focus is also on user-friendliness and ease of use. The data is recorded or imported centrally and only once, a convenient workflow should enable fast and efficient work and, last but not least, notary software should be connected via interfaces in the future.

We look forward to this challenge with excitement and are pleased to be able to implement another digitization project with the BNotK.

Westernacher Solutions has developed various solutions for the BNotK this year. In this way, we are supporting the digitalization of the justice system and creating modern processes for notaries in Germany.

Torsten Blumreiter // Head of the Justice division // Westernacher Solutions

Your contact person

Torsten Blumreiter

Head of the eJustice division