We’ve done it again! Westernacher Solutions is once again this year’s Top 100 Innovator and can thus join the ranks of the 100 most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany for the second time in a row.
We are very proud of the renewed award as a specialist for the digitalization of justice and look forward to the recognition of our innovation management and our entrepreneurial innovation successes.


Westernacher Solutions once again honored as top innovator in the SME sector

Together with mentor Ranga Yogeshwar, TOP 100 selected the most innovative German SMEs for the 29th time. 294 companies in three size categories received the TOP 100 seal in 2022. All TOP 100 companies and the three “Innovators of the Year®” will be officially recognized in June 2022.

We are very proud of the renewed award as a specialist for the digitalization of justice!



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Team Assistant Janina Faist // Office Manager Pascal Dewes

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